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The European Union is preparing for the upcoming European Parliament election scheduled to take place between June 6th and 9th, 2024. These elections hold significant importance for the future of the European Union, providing citizens with a direct role in its governance, contributing to its democratic legitimacy, and shaping its policies and priorities. Recognizing the crucial role of European Parliament elections in democratic representation and policy formation, it is vital to gain a deeper understanding of their political dimensions through various perspectives, including political campaigns, citizen viewpoints, and party characteristics.

In light of this, ACES intends to launch a special event series focused on the European Parliament elections. This series will address key aspects such as campaign dynamics and citizen attitudes toward Europe and the elections. Additionally, the events will examine political party campaigns, paying specific attention to grassroots factors driving the rise of illiberalism and far-right populist parties, which have the potential to significantly impact Europe's future in areas such as immigration, climate change, social protection, and geopolitical strategy.
The series will convene experts and scholars from diverse disciplines, backgrounds, and affiliations across Europe. Public events will be conducted both before and after the election period, facilitating comprehensive discussions not only leading up to the elections but also regarding their implications based on election outcomes.

The ACES European Parliament election series is being organized in collaboration with SPUI25 and is co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission.

Upcoming events

Campaign Dynamics and Citizen Perspectives

The campaigns for the European Parliament elections are currently gaining momentum across Europe as 400 million voters will be heading to the polls between 6 and 9 June 2024. This event will talk about major developments in the campaigns and analyse citizen perspectives towards Europe and the elections.

  • Date: 22 May
Past events
  • Beyond the Illiberal Leader
    The European Parliament Elections 2024 #2

    A lecture by Professor Marlene Laruelle, who will speak about the grassroots drivers behind the surge of illiberalism in Europe and the United States.

    • Date: 7 May
    • Speaker: Marlene Laruelle
  • European Populism and the Looming European Parliamentary Elections
    The European Parliament Elections 2024 #1

    After a very turbulent few years, populism remains a defining feature of ongoing electoral politics in Europe and the world. This last year we’ve seen some reversals in the hold that (radical right) populist parties have – such as the electoral defeat of Poland’s Law and Justice party, but also major new gains – such as the electoral victory of Wilders’s PVV in the Netherlands.

    • Date: 16 April
    • Speakers: Sarah de Lange, Robin de Bruin, and Brian Burgoon